Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Canadian Thanksgiving

When you live overseas at times you try to find things that are familiar -- the same -- or at least resemble what you are use to. It seems that we gain comfort in what we know or what we think we know.

However, when holidays occur one is never able to replicate how it is back home. The traditions, events, presence of family and the things which make these days special are impossible to reproduce which can make holiday a difficult time when you are away from home.

On Sunday, October 12th, the Canadian staff of GSIS, which included the Wendling family, hosted the first ever Canadian 'Potluck' Thanksgiving Dinner at the GSIS cafeteria. In total over 60 people -from all parts of the world - Australia, South Africa, Korea, America and of course Canada - celebrated a holiday that is centered on giving thanks for what we have, while usually being surrounded by family and friends.

The evening began with families arriving and bringing their various dishes which they would share with the community present. Excitement was building in the air as people shared many of their traditions - some familiar, some not - with others. Each person was also asked to write down something they were thankful for and put it on the Thanksgiving tree in the cafeteria.

The dinner began with prayer and then the eating began - oh what a feast!!! There was: turkeys, roasted pork, stuffing , potatoes, many different salads and a dessert table with pumpkin and apple pie. It was truly magnificent sight.

Thank you to all the friends and families who truly was a special day not only for Canadians at this school in Suwon but for our entire school community at GSIS.

Monday, October 6, 2008

People We Have Come to Know at GSIS

Over the past two months the Wendling's have come to know a number of families who have come from all over the world to work at GSIS. In this blog we hope to take some time to share with you some of the unique and incredibly gifted individuals, and their families, who we have the chance to work with.

One of the first families that we came to know here in Korea are the Schumacher's who hail from Australia. Kylie, pictured above, is the Junior Kindergarten teacher at GSIS while her husband Darren is the fourth grade teacher - Kyara's teacher. The Schumacher's, like the Wendling's are having their first experience at an International School.

Darren and Kylie have two children, Abbey who is in Grade 2 and is pictured above, and Jack, (aka Jacko), who is pictured below. We are very fortunate to have gotten to know this family as Kylie and Rosanne have been known to do a few shopping trips together why Darren and Kevin have gone to the movies, played basketball and even one night were playing PS2 together - but honestly they were just showing the kids how to play.

Pictured below is Mr. Jay Reimer, who is Head of the Science Department at GSIS. Jay and his wife Beth, who is the elementary/MS music teacher and ELC teacher - so she in fact teaches all 5 Wendling children - are beginning their second year at GSIS.

Jay and Beth last lived in Washington State - but Beth is a Canadian citizen and Jay actually lived in Asia growing up as his parents were Missionaries. Jay works a lot with Rosanne as they are in the same department and he and has family, along with others, have been helpful as the Wendling's continue to make their transition in Korea.

Jay and Beth have three children - Kylie who is pictured above, Amy, unfortunately not pictured, and Bentley pictured below. As Mrs. Reimer teaches all 5 Wendling girls - Rosanne teaches Amy science - Kevin teaches Kylie Mathematics and Mia and Bentely go to the ELC together.

The last family that we would like to spotlight is the Petersons. Pictured below is Frank and Sean, (or as Mia would say Baby Sean). Frank, or Mr. Peterson as he is know, is in charge of the technical department. He is in charge of our GOOGLE World at GSIS. Sean's mom - not pictured is Gita Peterson who is the IB Early Years Program Coordinator.

Frank is a pretty 'cool cat' and someone who has a very different perspective on life. Originally from Minnesota, USA - Frank has lived in Egypt, and different parts of Asia. The plan for the Peterson's is to eventually to settle in Australia - Gita's home country. However, the Peterson's could easily be classified as World no-mads. Frank and Kevin have been seen a number of times talking about computers, teaching philosophy and theology. Frank is truly open minded and has seen the world and been shaped by it. Gita, no slouch herself, is an excellent educator and blessing for all at GSIS. However, the Peterson's are at their best with Sean - their first child and the Golden Pig. (That is, he was born in the Korean year of the Golden pig which happens once in a life time.)

Of all the Petersons the Wendling girls like Baby Sean. Baby Sean loves to be dropped from heights and can be seen during the school day in the Early Childhood Centre playing, sleeping or eating - doing the things that babies do.

GSIS is truly blessed with many different families who have decided for this time in their life to give of themselves to a vocation that God has choosen for them - working with children in Korea. Many if not all the staff at GSIS have given up something or given up a comfortable and 'normal' life to live in another place and within another culture. Yet, all of us know that our faith God is truly a tie that binds each of us and that all of us are here because of a Call from God.