Thursday, March 19, 2009

Winter Break in Saipan

Around the middle of January the conversation in the Wendling household went something like this...

'Rosanne, you want to go where...?'


'Where is Saipan?'

'I am not sure, but it is warm there...its tropical...'

'Jeju Island was tropical, remember and we had snow there.'

'No, that was sub-tropical. don't worry it will be warm...'

And with that the Wendling family decided to go to Pacific Island Club in Saipan.

So at the end of January the Wendling's, Schumacher's and Joon's - that is 5 adults and 9 children left a very cold Korea and headed to the 'tropical' Saipan. Saipan is one of many islands - that include Guam - that are currently associated with the United States. The Wendling's, with their friends, stayed at the Pacific Island Club Resort, aka. PIC, which is on the coast of Saipan. There, January and February is very cool with 27 degree Celsius weather and cool breezes throughout the day.

The PIC resort had beach, swimming pools, and many activities that ranged from miniature golf to a rock climbing wall. Pictured above is Kyara as she attempts to scale the wall. Kyara with her previous work in gymnastics was able to scale all four portions of the wall - as seen below - with relative ease due to her upper body strength. In fact all members of the Wendling family scale at least the first section of the wall during their time at PIC.

On the second day at the resort our fearless travelers, pictured above, made their way to a private island - it really wasn't private as many of the resorts on Saipan sent their visitors to this small island which had a white sand beach and an amazing area for snorkeling. The Schumacher's - being from Australia had a lot of experience in snorkeling and were able to teach the Wendling's how to do it.

One of the tricks to seeing the fish up close is take bread with you under the water when you snorkel. Rosanne did this and got more than she bargained for. As she took out the bread approximately 20 fish attacked the bread she was holding.

The fish seen during
snorkeling were amazing and a highlight of the trip for all.

During their time at PIC the Wending's were able to do many activities. However, the various swimming pools were probably the most enjoyable. Mia spent much of her time in the kiddie pool - which is pictured below. Often though, her sisters and the other children on the trip, would join her there. Pictured below is Ariel, Abbey Schumacher, Kylie Joon, Mia and Justine as they go down the slide in the kiddie swim area at PIC.

On the last night at PIC the Wendling's, Schumacher's and Joon's had a Ocean Side BBQ. Pictured below you can see Jack Schumacher, Ethan Joon and Ariel enjoying their BBQ together. The BBQ was unique due to the fact that the food - everything from chicken, steak, lobster tail, fish and corn - was brought out to the guests for them to cook. The BBQ was located in the middle of the table. On that night the restaurant decided to put all 9 children together and one of the waiters cooked for the kids. Then when the 5 adults tried to cook for themselves the coals were not hot enough - so the waiter cooked for the adults as well. It really is a tough life being there. (The added bonus was that Kevin was able to play a highly competitive game of 2 on 2 volleyball and then made his way over to the BBQ - paradise was never so good.)

Pictured below is Darrin Schumacher and Kevin enjoying their beverages at the Ocean Side BBQ. They are happy because they did not have to cook that night.

Every night after supper at PIC the staff put on a variety show for the guests. The first night the staff showed the guests traditional Saipan dancing and let the guests drink from a coconut. The second night was Line and Western Dancing. The last night was a dance party. Of course the staff always tried to get the children involved. Below we see Mia dancing with her boyfriend Jason. Jason is from Korea and the two of them were seen at the pool together and on the dance floor. He even gave Mia an inflatable green beach ball. (No truth to the rumour that a marriage has been arranged by the families.)

The trip to PIC was extremely relaxing and well accepted by everyone who went. Teaching can be a very stressful job and when you are able to have some time off it is always welcome. However, when you can go to a nice place with good friends it makes that time off even better. Pictured below is Kylie Schumacher, Rosanne and Mikki Joon on their last night at PIC.

Pictured below is the Wendling family- plus Jason - extremely tanned and happy in tropical Saipan. This trip will be one that is not soon forgotten for them as they were able to enjoy the beach and various activities in a beautiful resort found in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We are so thankful for this opportunity and for the time that our family is able to spend together.