Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School - This Time It Was a Little Different

Our second year in Suwon, South Korea and our second "first day of school". However, this school year would have a few noticeable changes.

First of all, Mia's first day of school occured. It was her first day of Pre-Kindergarten. Her teacher, Ms Kylie Schumacher, pictured above, welcomed her and 6 other children to class. Mia was extremely excited and ready to learn.

However, these were not the only changes. Both Rosanne and Kevin were having changes to their roles at GSIS as well. Rosanne, after a year of teaching Middle School Science was returning to her role of teaching Physical Education to students in Grade 6, 7 and 8. As well, Rosanne was named the Middle School Athletics Director. And, as if this was not enough, Rosanne would be the Creativity, Action and Service Administrator for the High School IB Diploma Programme.

Kevin would also be taking on a new role at GSIS this year, High School Principal. After a year of teaching Kevin was going to move back into the role of Principal - but for students in Grade 9, 10 and 11. Like Rosanne, this would be a new challenge as GSIS is still growing into a High School and there is much work to be done. As well, Kevin will teaching one class of IB Higher Level Mathematics.

The High School at GSIS has 1/3 of its Faculty being new to the school. So to help out with the community building process Kevin and Rosanne held an open house at their apartment during the first week of school. No problem Rosanne said when plans were being made. There was just 30+ teachers coming with their spouses and families and a few Korean staff thrown in.

The evening though was a success with everyone coming for a little time and a lot of food. Everyone had a great time by a evening hosted by Kevin, Rosanne, Tiffeney - the new High School Assistant Principal and Steve the IB Diploma Coordinator.

The night was also special for Kevin as he celebrated his 40th, Canadian birthday, (Korean's count birthday's different - so Kevin is like 42 or 45 or something in this country). If you would have asked him 2 years ago how he would celebrate his 40th Birthday he probably would not have told you that it would be in Korea entertaining a High School staff - but God sets a path before us and we just have to follow it.

As you can see a great night was had by all - with Mr. Couts, pictured above, playing with the many kids who were at the gathering. Or, Kyara posing in the picture below with Ruth Philip, her mom Ms. Philip a new MS Science teacher at GSIS and Ms. Kim a returning HS Korean teacher.

Well the first day of school came and went and now officially all 5 Wendling girls are in school. A school with children from all over the world. The Wendling's are looking forward to year of new challenges, choices and experiences. We do not know what to expect, except to expect anything!!!!