Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saying Goodbye

During the last few days, it felt like all we were doing was having a get together and saying goodbye to either family or friends. Saying goodbye is hard and it can be done in many different ways:
- saying goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Wendling at Justine's soccer tournament - although the team had just won the tournament - with Justine scoring the winning goal in overtime - it was an emotional day

- saying goodbye to
la Familee Lafontaine at mon oncle Paul's house; this was a hard day as it wasn't just the Wendling's leaving - Amy was also leaving for British Columbia - a day though that the family came together to swim, have a BBQ and a fire

- saying goodbye to Justine, Kyara, Matteya, Ariel, and Mia's friends at different pool parties


- saying goodbye can be helping with last minute packing and moving, thanks again to Tammy and Roger for helping Rosanne and I with that it was greatly appreciated

Also, thanks to Me Mere for everything that she did. There is no amount of thanks that we can write to express our love for her in the help that she gave us in preparing for this adventure. Thank you and we love you.

The first step of this new adventure was not really to say goodbye to our family and friends, but to learn of the value and importance that family and friends have in our lives. Often we forget how important they are and how much they add to our lives. We will see all of you at worries.


Pauline said...

awesome Roseanne. I was truly happy to finally hear from you. Continue to have fun and keep us posted. We think of you often. Friend Pauline

Amy said...

Glad to finally see how your trip went guys! Keep posting! Jeff and I are internet junkies here, posting our own stuff on Facebook to keep in touch with everyone back home. Glad to see the girls like their new friends and new school!
Miss you guys!
Amy and Jeff

Anonymous said...

madame wedling.
its amanda moore:)
im in tears reading this i miss you and your girls so much.
the way they were so welcoming and nice:)
i miss you all and all of are memories:)
ugh i miss you so much madame you were the best teacher i ever had:)
hope your havign a great time in korea:)

Amanda Lee Moore
p.s, every time all of your students are together we talk about how much we miss you.<3333

Anonymous said...

madame wedling.
its amanda moore:)
im in tears reading this i miss you and your girls so much.
the way they were so welcoming and nice:)
i miss you all and all of are memories:)
ugh i miss you so much madame you were the best teacher i ever had:)
hope your havign a great time in korea:)

Amanda Lee Moore
p.s, every time all of your students are together we talk about how much we miss you.<3333

Anonymous said...
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