Sunday, December 7, 2008

Science Knights

On Thursday, December 4th, 2008, GSIS held its 1st ever Science Fair, aka. Science Knights. This event the brainchild of Rosanne, with some help from other members of the Middle School and High School Science Department, had all students from Grade 6 - 8, and a handful of Grade 9 students prepare an scientific experiment or investigation and communicate its significance. (Seen above is Justine preparing her experiment.)

Although this is the first time Rosanne is teaching science full time, she had previously taught science and been involved with Science fairs. However, when you have over 80 students in Grade 6 and 7, many who would be classified as ESL or ELL it makes the job a little more difficult.

For this project students could work alone, in pairs, or in groups of three - as we see above in the case of Justine who worked with Samantha and Monica. The groups would have to research a topic and develop an experiment or demonstration to go with it. They would then put their work on a tri-fold board - each of them hand made.

For example, Justine and her friends are seen above preparing their 'Marshmellow Experiment'. They used iodine, hydrogen peroxide and soap; and together it causes a solid to be formed which looks like a yellow marshmellow. Their demonstrate was done numerous time the night of the science fair and many students, teachers and parents were extremely impressed.

As you can see in the picture above this Science Fair was serious business. Jinni, as pictured here, is all dressed up as she waits for the judges to see her project so she can discuss the effects of Coke on teeth. She wanted to do Diet Coke but since Mrs. Wendling, her Mathematics teacher - Mr. Wendling, the HS Principal and the Headmaster all regularly drink it, she decided better.

Other students like Tim, built something based on scientific principals. In this case he built a motor using electrical and magnetic theories. As you can see behind Tim it wasn't enough just to build something. You needed to have a starting question, hypothesis, research, materials, etc. This wasn't getting your LEGO out and making something cool looking. This was hard core science!!

As you can see from the picture above there were many students, parents and teachers at Science Knights 2008. As was mentioned previously this was the first time the school has done anything like this, and so it took a lot of work to coordinate projects, getting prizes, printing out certificates - and thanks to Rosanne it was done with the kids in mind.

In the end, there had to be a winner. In fact, each Grade has 6 winners. A first, second and third place as well as best display, most difficult project and most knowledgeable student about their topic. The winners each received an MP3/Ipod/visual Ipod type of prize. Pictured above is Justine and her group accepting the second place prize for Grade 6. Great job Justine.

In the end, a great night was had by all. As you can see from Mia, pictured above, the night was almost over when this picture was taken and so is this blog. With just two weeks of school left the Wendlings are not counting the days down - yet - but we do know that we will be crossing the Pacific soon to be with Family and Friends for Christmas. If we are lucky there may be one more blog before the 19th.

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