Friday, February 19, 2010

Christmas Time in Port Colborne

After five months in South Korea, with a lot of work done and a lot of work still to do, the Wendling family was due for a well deserved break - Christmas Break that is.  So, once again they headed back to Canada to spend three weeks with family and friends.

While back in Port Colborne the girls were able to visit family and friends - but perhaps the person they most wanted to see was me mere - their grandma.  Pictured below is Justine and Mia making donuts - part of the Lafontaine family tradition at Christmas time.

Another tradition that the Lafontaine family does, involves get together around New Year's - this year it was actually New Year's eve - and going for a family skate/hockey game.

This year the game and event took on new meaning as the family was able to wear their new hockey jersey's.  The Manniwaki Chiefs now have jersey's - no goalie - but jersey's with their names on their backs.  (Amazing what you can get done in Korea with a little money and some time.)

The Wendling's also made the trip to Waterloo to visit Grandpa and Grandma Wendling.  Pictured above is Grandpa opening his present from his Grandaughters.  The five girls were very lucky to receive tickets to Disney's Princesses on ice in Toronto.  Thanks once again Grandma and Grandpa.

Although there was much activity, eating, visiting, and fellowship while back in Canada.  The Wendling family were blessed to know that although they are spending 10 months of the year in Asia - they still have family and friends back in Ontario - specifically in Niagara.

Sometime you can even get special guests to come by - in this case - Uncle Bernie - pictured above came by and decided that he had to have a hockey jersey.  So he took Jeff's - oh well, Jeff good luck getting this jersey back from  your dad.

Christmas is truly a special time of the year.  In particular when you visit family and friends that you have not seen for a number of months.  The Wendling Family is so glad that they were able to "come home" for Christmas.  Coming home from Korea is easy to do and yet difficult because we also have friends in Suwon.  However, we are very luck to have family in Friends in Canada and another set of friends in South Korea and in particular with the GSIS School Community.  It is truly a blessing.

So what does 2010 have in store.  We will have to wait and see.  Maybe somewhere warm, seeing a Great Wall, experiencing another culture.  No matter we will back this summer - around June.  See you then.

1 comment:

Lknilsey said...

Kota Kinabala looks like my kind of vacation...