Saturday, August 14, 2010

First Day of School - 2010

(The Wendling Girls are pictured on the stair case at the back of GSIS on the first day of school.)

And so on August 9th, 2010 - the Wendling Family began their third year in South Korea with their first day of School at Gyeonggi Suwon International School.

Much has occurred during their time in Korea:
- Justine is in Grade 8
- Kyara is in Grade 6 - and has begun Middle School at GSIS
- Matteya is in Grade 5 - the older grade in the Elementary School
- Ariel is in Grade 3
- Mia is in Kindergarten and is a full day student at the school - no more ELC for her

(Mia with her friends Abi, Bentley, Brett and Daniel and Ms. Mast her teacher)

This year will probably be another interesting year as the Wendling family will help make history at GSIS with its first Graduating Class in the High School.  

(Ariel is picture outside of her classroom on the first day of school.) 

This year the Wendling family hopes to continue to travel as they are planning to go to China in October to see the Great Wall, Forbiden City and the Terra Cota Soliders; Thailand, Vietnam as well as travelling in Korea.

(Matteya is picture with her friends in her Grade 5 classroom.)

As well, GSIS is helping to host the International Children's Educator's Conference.  This will be first time that ACSI will host an event in Korea and it will be a truly international conference as there will be teachers from all over Asia.

(Kyara is pictured, maybe a little scared, in her English class.)

This school year will also be busy as all the Wendling girls will continue to be involved with their school activities, dance, piano and Matteya will continue to play hockey on the weekends.

(Using hi-tech and secret methods this picture was taken of Justine during Math class.  :) )

So the school year has begun and the Wendling Family is getting back into the groove of school and life in Korea.  

So the Adventure continues....

1 comment:

Lknilsey said...

HA HA HA HA, on est encore en vacances!!!