Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Graduation Class of GSIS - A Historical Moments

It seems only fitting that our 50th blog comes at time when the Wendling Family is nearing the end of their time in Korea.  With just over a week left in Korea the Wendling Family was involved with the first Graduation exercises at GSIS.

Approximately three years ago the Wendling Family decided to go to Korea for two reasons.  The first reason was for the family to gain an experience of the world.  And to be honest with many travels to countries like China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, USA (Alaska and Saipan), Philippines the Wendling family has been able to gain a rich appreciation for other countries, other cultures and life abroad.  A majority of this blog has been dedicated to reflect upon these travels and share our experiences with friends and family.

The second reason that Rosanne and Kevin came to Korea was to be involved with the building of GSIS and helping to create a school that would see its first graduating class in the Spring of 2011.  This day has come as on Thursday, May 26th GSIS graduated 68 Seniors in its first commencement exercises in what can only be described as a truly historical event.

The evening was marked by speeches from the Valedictorian, Salutatorian and representative faculty speaker.  GSIS' Headmaster also spoke about the history of the school and how its first class of Seniors had surpassed any and all expectations as all 63 students who applied to colleges in the US and Canada were accepted and how 3 students were accepted in the top 15 schools in the US and 1 students had been accepted into McGill University in Canada, a University which is viewed Internationally as Canada's elite Univeristy.

Both Rosanne and Kevin were involved with the Seniors and their work towards University.  Rosanne was the IB CAS Coordinator and the Community Service Coordinator.  Her role was to ensure that the students fulfilled their necessary requirements for these program.  Kevin was the HS Principal and worked with the teachers and Rosanne to ensure that program at GSIS would prepare the students for their college applications and beyond.

Now that Graduation has occurred the Wendling family has 1 week left in Korea.  It is a time for packing and tying up loose ends.  A time for saying goodbye to the land of the Morning Calm and all those who they have come to know over the past three years.

For our family and friends in Canada it will soon be a time to renew friendships and restart our lives in the Great White North.  Hopefully we will see you soon!!

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