Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Korea

As any school year ends there is always much activity:  year end trips, exams, end of the year concerts, play day, graduation (for Grade 8 and Grade 12); this is part of the life of a school.

For an International Schools, like GSIS, End of the Year takes on an additional meaning as many staff leave to either return to their own country or take on a new challenge in a new country.

Over the past month the Wendling Family has been involved with the End of Year Activities and with saying good bye to the GSIS community.

Almost 3 years ago the Wendling family arrived in Korea with 14 suitcases and lot of energy and not knowing what to expect from a school and country which was foreign to them.  During this time a lot of growth has occurred - Mia doesn't wear diapers anymore - Justine has moved through Middle School and we be starting high school at Ecole Secondaire Jean Vanier in the Fall - Kyara has grown to be not just taller than me mere but Rosanne as well - Matteya has learned so much Korean that she can converse with her friends and Ariel is an expert with technology using google products and facebook regularly.  Finally, Rosanne and Kevin have now experienced and international education setting in an IB World School.  Which has been both exciting and challenging.  

Saying goodbye to Korea started at the beginning of May when Ariel accompanied Kevin back to Canada.  It was decided that she would stay with me mere so that she would prepare for her First Communion which will take place at the beginning of June.

So Ariel needed to say goodbye to her classmates and then pack up her two bags and head back to Port Colborne - much to the surprise of me mere.  Well, Happy Mother's Day to you me mere.

During the past month the girls have been involved with:
- the end of the year Elementary talent show - where Matteya and Mia performed

- the Middle School Concert - where both Kyara and Justine performed with their Choir and Band Groups and sang a duet - "For Good" - taken from the musical Wicked

- Grade 8 Graduation - Justine when she leaves GSIS will have Graduated from middle school and will have celebrated this event with the community

- Grade 5 Graduation - Matteya when she leaves GSIS will have finished elementary school and if we stayed would be in Grade 6 - middle school

For Rosanne and Kevin the last month has been a time to be with the kids for these activities as well as being honoured at the Farewell Banquet held at the school.  Both Rosanne and Kevin have been leaders at the school during the past three years.  Rosanne as Middle School Athletic Director and CAS Coordinator and Kevin as HS Principal - in these roles they have been able to help shape the present and future of the school, which has been a once in a lifetime experience.

In all, the Wendling family has been very grateful for the GSIS community for the administration, teaching staff and classified staff who have supported our family.  Living internationally can be quite difficult - however, withe support of Helen, Andrew, Julia and all the classified, aka:  Korean staff, at GSIS life was made a lot easier.

So we will soon be home...with lots of changes and Rosanne at a new school and Kevin with a new school board.  The Korean Adventure will have to be renamed...but it will be an adventure with 5 kids and new experiences on the horizon.

God has been with us during our 3 years and we await the path which has been chosen for us.  See you soon.

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